Saturday, October 1, 2011


The Biesbosch is a nature preserve close to us. We bike for 20 minutes from our home and then take the ferry to the preserve. This was the last day of warm weather for the year so we were happy to be able to make our first visit to the Biesbosch.

Here we are crossing the river with our bikes. You can see a boat in front of us that is going down river.

This is an old iron draw bridge in a small 4 house town in the Biesbosch.
This picture is for Rick Dalton. There must be 1000 ducks, geese and swans on the water behind me. Hunting ducks would be a joke here. They are every where. Once we stopped with other cars for a duck and her ducklings to cross the road.

We were passed by a bike club. The Netherlands is heaven for bikes.

On the way out we passed this pasture with a beautiful cow for Sister Everton to admire.

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