Monday, February 6, 2012


We visited the old part of Gent with the Antwerpen Zone missionaires. We visited a castle which has been rebuilt.  Here we are standing under an original arch at the entrance to the castle.

I wish I had a picture of these Elders when they stood in the center of the square in old Gent and sang Happy Birthday to Sister Everton. Sister Everton had been inside McDonalds checking on missionaries with minor health problems. When she came out, they started singing to her. It was beautiful and she loved it. The missionaries have a great love for her.  We had taken them oreo cookies, fla and milk.  The milk in Belgium is warm in cartons and has been radiated.  Apparently is tastes awful.

This is Sister Palenikova in one of the castle rooms.

This is exiting the gate of the castle into old Gent.

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