Friday, February 3, 2012

President Brubaker's 60th Birthday Party

We planned a birthday party for President Brubaker. It was to start at 3 pm. There was a big snow storm. We got to Deventer before it hit. The other couples were an hour late arriving. President Brubaker was 3 hours late so we had time to try and fix the patch cords for the speakers. Elder Salden loves to fix things.

President Brubaker was called by the stake president to attend a meeting regarding the status of the Deventer YSA center. When the Brubakers were running late, the Bush's told them no problem the Stake President is late too.

We had Asian Salmon, Thai Pineapple Rice, Steamed Jasmine rice, Chicken Sate with Indonesian peanut sauce and f fresh mangos on sicky rice.

President Burbakers had a cake with candels showing the numbers 6 and 0.

We prepared a slide show of all the senior couples and the Brubakers.

After the birthday party we hurried to Utrecht. Evelyn is our YSA leader in Utrecht. She has a mission call to the Ukraine. She was told the prior week she could not go to the MTC for 6 months because her VISA was delayed. She then got a call that she needed to leave Saturday so they had a special farewell for her on Friday. We missed her talk but were able to deliver a batch of Sister Everton's famous Oreo cookies and say farewell. She will be a wonderful missionary.

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