Saturday, February 4, 2012

Winter Wonderland

We woke up Saturday morning to a winter wonderland.
The first thing we noticed was everyone was out pulling their kids on little sleds.

There were snowmen

This little girl is getting ice skates put on her boots. The Dutch love to skate and start skating at a young age.

My theory is the ducks paddle continuously to keep this hole in the ice open.
I saw this happen in the middle of lake on my first mission.

Here is a bigger sled. I don't know where they store them. The houses are small. They will only be used for a few days this year.

They use snow shovels to clear the snow from the ice. It seemed like everyone was out on the ice. The Grote Kerk is in the background.
We drove to Terneuzen in Zeeland (Sea Land) to visit a Sister from Suriname. Zeeland province is the most vulnerable for flooding. 5000 people were killed in 1954. The Dutch have designed a system to protect against storms that would have a probability of occurring once in 10,000 years. They went to great lengths to make sure flooding would never take so many precious lives again. To get to Terneuzen , we drove under the water for 6.6 Kilometers in a tunnel. Sister Everton took this picture while standing on a dyke of a father below pulling his child next to the water.

This was the sunrise Sunday morning. The temperature stayed around 20 degrees F for two weeks.

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