Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Day

This is Hans and Matilda Ampen Ghana. They are investigators and  have been coming to church regularly for several months. Matilda's dress is hand made. She wears a different one each Sunday.

We had lunch with Janet. She is from St Martin. She fixed a wonderful meal of Indonesian bami noodles with seafood.

Anthony was bapatised on New Years day. He is a good friend.

After the baptism we had the sisters over for a dinner of left overs from Janet. They wanted to visit Desi one last time before her departure.

After dinner the sisters had to ride thier bikes home in the rain. Desi wanted to ride with them. When we started the rain was not too bad but soon it was raining hard and there was a strong wind. We got to the middle of the bridge and stopped to say good bye. Desi gave them hugs in the driving rain. When we got home we were soaked. My shoes were full of water. The last time I fet this wet was 40 years ago as a green Elder in Amsterdam after my first bike ride to church.

On the way to the airport we stopped at the mission home so President and Sister Brubaker could meet Desi.

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