Sunday, January 15, 2012

January Events

This is Tim from China. He will be baptised by Lee who was baptised a few months ago.

This is Yenette. She is from Venezuela. Elder Bensen on the left speaks Spanish. They met her at a bus stop and gave her a pass along card. She called them back and learned about the Book of Mormon. She loves to read it.

This was a birthday cake for Elder Bensen.

We were in Lueven Belgium. I was working on an Elder's bike. Sister Everton could see this church and started walking down the narrow streets to find it.

There are so many beautiful sights to see.

This picture is for Desi. She worked with all but one of the sister missionaries in this picture.

This is Elder Hawkley. He is a Marine on leave. He said his mission was much harder than boot camp. Pray got him through it. Prior to his mission he could do 400 push ups and a 4:06 mile. Now he can do 100 push ups.

Some fine missionaries including Harry who is over 80 and works almost every day with the missionaires. He was a full time missionary two 3 weeks during the Christmas holiday when we were waiting for new missionaries to arrive.

We had a birthday party for Sister Larsen at Soule's house. Sister Everton made a desert with a layer of ice cream in between layers of chocolate cake.

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