Monday, August 1, 2011

Early August

We helped the Elders Schulte, Bastian, Mueller and Favero move from an apartment on the North side of Amsterdam to a location on the South by the church. One thing they took with them was this surf board with signatures of the Elders who had stayed in the apartment. You might recognize this pose from a Beach Boy's album.

Peter made illustrations of the story of Lehonti for the sister missionaries.

Peter brought raw herring for our dinner. Sister Wassenaar on the right loved it but she is Nederlands. Sister Jeffs took one bite and turned green as did Sister Everton. I ate a bunch so we would not have it in the fridge. It was great with raw onions. Pictures of our grand children are on the blue door so we can see them often.

We went to the flower parade in Rijnsburg were we used to live. Most of the flower export goes through Rijnsburg so businesses sponser this parade every year. It was an hour long with every float and car covered with beautiful flowers.
Here I am working on Elder Schwartz's bike in Eindhoven (1 hour drive). He had a flat rear tire and rotting front tire. I replace both but it took three tries over a few days. The back was a different size than the front and then turned out to be a strange size so it was hard to find a replacement. Then we needed to adjust the brakes. I heard a few week later the bike was stolen. It was an old bike. Elder Schwartz had a big lock on it but the thief cut the lock. Big problem for the missionaries here.

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