Saturday, March 3, 2012


Quincy played basketball in a league where each city had a team. Like Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Quincy lives in a small city but they were competitive. He was surprised when we came to watch his game. The other players parents were there. Quincy's mother came to only one of his games. He kept looking at us with a big smile on his face. We made him nervous at first but then he settled down and played well.

This is his team and coach. He was the only black player we saw in the league. Luke, who is stading on the otherside of the coach has an African father. It was a strange trunky  feeling to watch Quincy play basketball. It brought back the feelings we had when we watched Ben.

This is Quincy at YSA FHE. He has pasted pictures and quotations of the prophets into his scriptures.

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