Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday Before Christmas

Desi liked this car. It was made when I was on my mission. It has an infinitely variable rubber-band transmission. Peter says it is the only car that will go as fast in reverse as in forward.

We got Desi a strop waffle at the Markt. The guy behind made it for her by slicing the waffle in half and spreading a hot caramel topping in between. You can smell the sweet waffles as you walk by. They taste as sweet as they smell.

We had the sisters and Peter over for dinner. Wim and Dikkie who live in our flat agreed earlier in the day to come up to show the sisters their antique costumes. It takes Dikkie an hour to dress. There are five layers of dresses. They are very nice people.

The sisters brought desert. Peter is showing them how to prick the bottom of the cup so the pudding and topping fall out.

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