Thursday, September 1, 2011

Other Events

We visited a delft blue factory in Goudarok. We took the coutry road home which was on a dike with a river on one side. We passed through Ouderkerk which is a very small and old town. Sister Everton went exploring and smelled sweet chocolate. She had to go inside to see what they were doing. These girls were having an activity building thier own little village from chocolate.

Sister Everton made black bean tortilla pie for district meeting. For desert she made a banana cake with fresh bananas on the top and in the middle.

This is sister Rich and Wassenaar at our apartment for Saturday dinner.

Peter is teaching Soule how to cut and cook Brussels Sprouts.

This is Milja. We had dinner at his home with his parents. He is an apprentice welder. He will go on a mission next year when he turns 19. This is his RC car. The car has a 3 HP engine that burns nitro. It was not running but he showed me a video. It is loud and fast.

Peter has been a regular at church. He wears a white shirt and tie sometimes.

This Naomi Noele with her Grandfather and mother. She is about 3 weeks old in this picture. She has two brothers who are 3 and 2.

Here are most of the sister missionaries in our mission. We were in Leiden for a Zone Conference.

Here is Elder Marshall, Waldi and Andrews after Zone Conference. Lots of energy to burn.

Sister Everton made cookies for Elder Mohrman's birthday.

Here are the Elders Guanuna, Klippel, Mohrman and Da Cruz. They live Hoagvliet in what we thought was the wort apartment in the mission until we went to Kortrijk.

We went to an open house for the new mission home that was held for the senior missionars. We had our second salmon dinner. The first was our first night in Belguim at the old mission home.

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