Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Temple visits with the mission

We ran out of space so this blog is continued at http://verpleegster2.blogspot.com

We spent two days at the temple with the missionaries. Half the mission the first day and the other half the second day. I got to lead a session which allowed me to look into the faces of the missionaries. they looked back and smiled. It gave me a glimps into what the Brubakers must feel about these wonderful missionaries.

Sister Kremer, on the left, ended her mission a few months ago but came back for the temple session.

This is Sister van Stokem. She is one of our YSA in Utrecht. She is on her way to the Ukrane but needed to spend a night in the Netherlands to get her visa.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Peter by the river

We had Peter over for dinner on Saturday. He brought his dog which he knows is not allowed which is a good indication he has had too much to drink. He was upset but cooled down some what during dinner. After we invited him to go for a ride. We drove along the river. He had us stop and a point we had not explored before. We walked through mud and marsh for about 5 minutes before we got to this bench. It is on a sandy cove on the river. Peter used to walk here to get away from his father. The walk would take serveral hours. He would sleep on the bench sometimes.

Peter would go swimming on at this "beach" - even at this time of year. It as cold.

On the way out we took a different path that led through this row of trees. Peter was feeling much better.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Early April

This is Ismarei on the right. She was attending the Rotterdam 1st ward for 2 years before deciding to be baptised. We went on a joint teach with the Edlers when they met with her to initaite planning for the baptism.  She bore her testimony as part of the baptismal program. She talked about how one day there was a spin (spider) in her room. She opened the window to put it out and hit somehow got on her had. She looked at it and felt the spirit whisper not to be afraid. She then realized the spirit was saying not to be afraid of being baptised. She was then at peace.

This is Elder Brownell on the left. He returned to the mission with his partents about a month after he departed for home. They came to Ismarei's baptism. He is like Bill Niegh the science guy. Always thinking and inquiring. 4/7

When we first heard of Edler Brownell, he was known as the fix it guy. The first time we met him he had a steam cleaner in hand and was steam cleaning the Utrecht apartment. 3/28/11

Stacy and Barbara . Best friends. 4/8

It is spring in Dordrecht and the trees are in bloom.

The sisters planned an Easter egg hunt on the Monday after Easter. It was a rainy day so they hid easter sacks in the Utrecht church. We had a fun time finding them and blowing bubbles. 4/9